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Hantering av cyberrisker, 2,5 hp
In response to the need to mitigate threats arising from outsourcing activities and the exposure of sensitive data, more companies are expressing interest in cultivating in-house expertise. Developing n-house competency into cyber risk assessment is becoming significant advantage for these organizations.
This course introduces cybersecurity risk analysis and assessment, as a foundation for cybersecurity protection mechanisms. Comprehensive cybersecurity assessment techniques are practiced to learn about means to protect industrial infrastructure assets. Cybersecurity management is emphasized through processes for assessing vulnerabilities and prioritizing remedial actions to reduce cyber risk.
Industry and academia
This course has been developed in collaboration with industry within the framework of one of our educational projects. The project aims to provide courses at advanced level to a mix of students and professionals in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry.
We apply validation of work experience to see if you have knowledge that meets the eligibility requirements for the course. Don't forget to attach your CV if you are applying based on your work experience, the form is available on our website
Avancerad nivå
Godkända kurser om 90 hp inom ämnesområdet teknik varav minst 15 hp på nivå 61-90 hp eller motsvarande, inklusive minst 2,5 hp i cybersäkerhet eller motsvarande.
15 april 2024
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